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Welcome to the TOPS Spring Auction!

Friday, May 9, 2025 at The Victor Tavern in Eastlake

The TOPS Community will gather in our neighborhood to raise money for our beloved school on Friday, May 9. This event is our primary fundraiser and supports enrichment, community needs and academics. Come eat, drink & help raise crucial funds for our community! Our goal is $250,000. Get your ticket now!


Friends of TOPS Programs include: Our K-3 music program, Classroom assistants in K-2 classrooms, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Family Nights, Drama, Emergency Assistance, Planting the Seeds, Spring Ultimate Frisbee, Math Agency tutoring, and Writers in the Schools!  All the programs and more are made possible by the funds raised at the Spring Auction. You can see the 2024-25 Friends of TOPS budget here, read our Fundraising FAQ here and learn more about the auction here.


When: Friday, May 9 from 6:00PM-10:00PM.


Where:Victor Tavern, Ethan Stowell's restaurant in the Eastlake neighborhood. 1600 Eastlake Ave E, just a few blocks from TOPS.


What: Dinner, drinks, fun and the chance to raise your paddle to preserve the TOPS we know and love. The event will include:

  • Live auction with vacation rentals, event tickets and one-of-a-kind experiences.
  • Raise the paddle when attendees can raise their paddle to make a gift of $10,000, $5,000, $2,500, $1000 and $500 or $50. 
  • Games and prizes for all.
  • Silent auction with more packages, Teacher experiences. The silent auction will run the week before and a few days after the in-person auction, allowing folks who can't attend or extended family and friends to support TOPS as well.

Friends of TOPS Equity Fund: You may choose to contribute to this separate fund supporting the vision that ALL Seattle public schools have the resources to provide enriching opportunities and educational support to meet the needs of their students. Money raised this year for the Equity Fund will be shared next year with other Seattle schools or local organizations supporting schools that have minimal parent/community fundraising. Learn more here.